Friday, November 18, 2011

Why are THEY doing THIS!!!!!

This has struck me so many times. Especially when I talk to my friend who is sooo attached to his/her religion and this has not happened just once!! Yeah the topic is so complicated that we cannot come to the conclusion. It's about GOD. Too sensitive one. Come on, don't ever think me an atheist. I do pray, I do meditate (Err.. Sometimes actually!!) and believe me I go to temples not just Hindu Temples (Yeah I am an Hindu) but also to Church and Mosque. I respect Jesus and Allah and would definitely pray to them. But problem start with people who put their religion ahead of them.

I have and had friends from different religions, who have come along me in various phases of my life. I have learnt a lot from them about their religion, customs, tradition, culture. That in fact had made me to realize all religion is teaching the same stuffs and it's ultimate intention is to make people lead a disciplined and ethical life.

Last week I happen to see a video in Facebook where one guy in a scary voice narrates the story. It starts like this.. Two friends X & Y. Y died coz of a car accident and Y sends a letter to X from Hell!!! Guys now tell me honestly why Y has gone to Hell? I had couple of minutes to think. Reasons were going in my mind like he would have killed someone. I went to an extreme thinking he would have raped a girl or something similar that made god angry with him and kicked to hell!! But you know what, none of my thoughts were actually the reasons.

Y went to Hell because he was not aware of Jesus Christ!! X didn't tell him about Jesus! It ends like eventually X will also go to Hell. It tells Christian people to promote their religion and others to know about Christianity. If you fail to do so, sorry guys you will be in Hell sending letter to your Christian friend saying he will also follow you to Hell.

Here is my point. My humble request to all my fellow Homo-sapiens, don't make your religion a political party. I have seen only political parties promoting their ideologies and put up a news claiming these hundreds  of people joined them and would urge others to join them.Follow what your religion say and never say other people would go to hell if they don't follow your ideologies.Also please don't use Facebook for this reason because it spoils the core reason for what it was made to.

Religion is something you should not promote that too in a country like India. India is meant for all people and please don't make it a place of religious mess. Learn about all religion with clear mind and open heart. You will come to know all religion is one and God is one! I dream Bagavath Geetha, Bible, Koran become an integral part every house hold and our children say they belong to INDIAN religion!! Will this happen?! All we can is HOPE.

Guys watch Anbesivam movie if you are very bored after reading my so called BLOG


Sunday, November 13, 2011


R K Laxman

Political Cartoon sends out a strong message in lighter way. Even the persons about whom the cartoon criticizes, would have had an inch smile on their lips. I have never cared about who would have drawn such cartoons but one fine day I happen to watch this video and this man is such a simple chap but has done something a common man can never do in India. He made umpteen cartoons that made politicians fume and common man to think. 

Not that I dont know Mr. Laxman before this video.I knew him as better cartoonist but this video changed my thoughts about him completely. He conveyed common man's ideology without words yet he made sure that it does the job for which it was intended to. This man deserves something better than what he is now.


After long time I started learning and googling the meaning of many english words.and now I know more words than before guys.... u dont get t rite.!!!???.. let me be on target.. Finally I learnt the meaning of GET LAID...!!! i kno ... u think I am too late...!! I was watching Life as We Know it (its a movie!!) Kathrine used this two words more often to the hero of the movie.. and his character is more of a road side romeo... . . . I was curious what it actually means!!!! and thanks to google it made my life easier! c ya guys...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

First time out of India and I was cherishing those moments in the Flight imagining how things are going to be in Sheffield. To experience it I had to wait for more than 14 hrs! yeah that is the travel time from Chennai to Manchester.